45 countries
We export to 45 countries all over the worlds. Our machines run also in overseas states.
Houfek machine have unique rigid design. We care about maximum quality of all parts and components.
We offer service and replacement of parts besides sales.
We cooperate with schools. We organize excursion and cooperate on school projects.
Let's face it yourself, try the machines and find out everything you need to know.
20.02. - 22.02.2025
Ligna Bohemia Lysa nad Labem - Czech Republic
26.05. - 30.05.2025
LIGNA Hannover - Germany
Within more than 25 years, our company has become a leading manufacturer of woodworking machines in Europe. We are still following the values created with my father that time when we started work together at the cottage in the garage. Technical uniqueness, quality of workmanship and individual approach to each customer - these are the reasons why we currently produce almost a thousand machines per year, to more than fifty countries in the world.
News & Media

11. 2. 2021
New company profile on Facebook

3. 6. 2019